Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Music Manumit-Music Only Podcast | 100706

Another music only podcast, featuring music under Creative Commons license. You are free to download this music according to the creators license choice.

Tom's Picks
Mastodon March, Smilodon Smile by Beast, Please Be Still (instrumental) - CC-BY-NC-SA - Website
JE CROIS AUSSI L´HISTOIRE (Con Daisylis en Intro) by Gaby Cardoso (tango) - CC-BY-SA - Website
The Crystal Cat by Dan Deacon (Electronic, Experimental Pop) - CC-BY-NC-SA - Website
Lament Of The Old Soldier (inst. mix) by Yvalain (folk) - CC-BY-SA - Website
Deixe-se Acreditar by Mombojo (Pop, Folk, Brazilian) - CC-BY-NC - Website
Hungaria by Latché Swing (Big Band/Swing) - CC-BY-NC-SA - Website

Doug's Picks
Take One Down by Sounds Like Chicken, ...Like a Cannonball to the Ocean Floor - CC-BY-NC-SA - Ska/skacore -Website
The Successor by AUVERNIA, You Will Come [EP] - CC-BY-NC-SA - Metal (can be found on Music for the Damned compilation) - Website
1,000,000 by Nine Inch Nails, The Slip - CC-BY-NC-SA - Industrial (also available via torrents) - Website
Basement #8 (feat Snowflake) by Ruin Roads, Death March To Sun Fun City - CC-BY-NC - metal - Website
Black Flag Flying by David Rovics, The Commons - CC-BY-NC-SA - Folk - Website
Death March To Sun Fun City (feat 4nsic & Waysidedrive) by Ruin Roads, Death March To Sun Fun City - CC-BY-NC - Fu Manchu-esque metal - Website
