Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Black Penguins - 150719 - Music Manumit Podcast

The Black Penguins

In this episode:
Eric of The Black Penguins joins us on the show and talks about his new album.

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Notes from the interview.

Where did the project name originate?
“I Am The Black Penguins”

Started out as three-piece

NG YouTube video about all-black penguin: first-contact

Tell us about your music and tell us what’s new!
recently moved “up” from San Fran.

found drummer (Al) on craigslist...then bass player Dave

First album with those guys

tried to replace Dave, but didn’t work

Ben played rhythm in a video...recorded on Xoom

“you can’t just release a demo!”

What’s your main instrument?

guitar...but also went to audio engineering school

free sound is a way to go down the rabbit hole.

glitch wizzard is an iOS app

The new album?

more ambient, but still drums!

no tin foil hat!


“It becomes what it ends up being”

What about the artwork?
yep, that’s him!

The Academy of Art University:

What drew you to Creative Commons?
Bandcamp was the introduction.

the dog?
Yes, he contributes “paws on floors”


Do people remix?
Not yet!

next album

dog barking is there!

vocals for the first time

lyrics started coming out!

Any plans to play live?
a few shows in the past, but no plans to do it again

it’s a lot of work to play life (lugging gear, etc.)

Why do you use CC BY?
At first it was BY-NC-SA

Any non-Black Penguins projects we should know about?
not music-wise.

Had a grunge band in the ‘90s.

first love is blues

Is there anything else you would like to say/tell us about?

closing track: First Contact

essence of the first song and technology